Posted on 07/15/2019
Foods You Can Eat with Braces

Foods You Can Eat with Braces

Smiling girl with bracesMany people who have braces or are considering getting braces have heard of the "forbidden foods" list that they will have to adhere to while undergoing orthodontic treatment. Here at Braceland Orthodontists in North Scarborough, we have a foods to avoid list of our own that you can find on our site. However, while this sort of list can be a little daunting, don't worry—there are still many yummy options that you can partake in and we're here to offer some suggestions!

Breakfast Ideas

  • Smoothie - A smoothie is always a great start to your day. These drinks are jam-packed with vitamins and minerals, depending on what you add to your concoction. Be sure to add both veggies and fruits to this drink and not overdo the sugar content!
  • Eggs - These protein filled wonders can be prepared in a myriad of ways: scrambled, boiled, poached, sunny side up, you name it! They are agreeable foods for those with braces and can be enjoyed with or without veggies.
  • Pancakes - This soft bread is a treat for any breakfast meal. We recommend not eating these on a daily basis as they are often paired with syrup or fruit compotes that can be high in sugar, but rest assured that they can be enjoyed without doing damage to your braces!
  • Muffins (without nuts) - This is another soft bread that can be enjoyed by someone with braces. Easy to prepare in bulk, you can take these on the go if you're pressed for time in the mornings.
  • Yogurt with Fruit - Yogurt is filled with Vitamin C and adding fruit will only sweeten the deal, both in health and taste. Be sure to only use soft fruit when creating your yogurt dish. Avoid hard fruits such as apples, as those can damage your braces!

Lunch Ideas

  • Quesadillas with rice and beans - Tortillas are considered a soft bread that are approved for people with braces. Add a soft cheese with a side of soft rice (grain) and soft beans (legume) and you've got yourself a filling, wholesome, and delicious meal. Top your quesadillas with sour cream, avocado, and salsa, too!
  • Mac & Cheese - This soft noodle and soft cheese plate is savory, easy to make, and even easier to eat.
  • Spaghetti & Meatballs - A soft noodle meal topped with a soft meat will practically fall apart in your mouth and will not burden your orthodontic treatment.
  • Peanut Butter (not crunchy) & Jelly Sandwich - This is an oldie but a goodie. Likely, you have these ingredients sitting in your pantry right now. This is a practical and time saving meal that also won't irritate your teeth, gum line, or braces.
  • Lunch Meat Wrap - This is a new take on an old classic. Instead of simply making a lunch meat sandwich, make a lunch meat wrap! The same ingredients neatly nestled into a large flour tortilla make for a great twist on mom's traditional school lunch.

Dinner Ideas

  • Soft Meats - Examples of this include: meatloaf, chicken, tuna, or salmon. These meats are so soft you can cut them with a fork with no problem. This should signal that it is all right for you to consume and will not cause you to pop a wire or unfasten a bracket.
  • Sides - Pair any of the soft meats above with mashed potatoes, steamed veggies, wild rice, or soup and call it a day! Sit back and enjoy this healthy and dental braces friendly meal.

Snack Ideas

  • Cottage Cheese and Soft Peaches - Great source of Vitamin C that will not interfere with your braces.
  • Soft Fruits - Examples include melons, bananas, grapes, and applesauce (sort of a fruit) to name a few.

Dessert Ideas

Desserts must be included in this list as many people have a sweet tooth, however, please be attentive to your family orthodontist or dentist's order and don't intake too much sugar—this is bad for your teeth and your overall health. Sweets that are approved for those who wear braces are:

  • Pudding
  • Soft cookies
  • Soft chocolates (no nuts or caramel)
  • Jell-O
  • Ice cream
  • Milkshakes
  • Cake (soft bread, no nuts)

Contact Our North Scarborough Office!

You see; there are plenty of delicious foods you can have at all times of day even while wearing braces. Though if you're still unsure if braces are right for you, know that we also offer Invisalign as another form of orthodontic treatment, which involves using removable aligners vs. the placed metal wires and brackets of braces.

If you have any lingering questions about what we suggest you can or cannot eat, please contact our North Scarborough office. And if you're ready to learn more about our treatments and procedures and get started with braces, schedule your appointment today. We look forward to hearing from you!