Posted on 12/21/2018
22nd Annual Holiday Toy Drive

22nd Annual Holiday Toy DriveOne of the most magical aspects of the holiday season is the way it can bring people together to do good, give back, and help those in need. Every year, our North Scarborough orthodontics staff is touched by the donations we receive from patients for our Annual Holiday Toy Drive. We are so proud that so many thoughtful, generous patients participate in our orthodontics team drive. And this year, we are thrilled to announce that 104 GIFTS were donated!

About the Toy Drive

This is the 22nd Annual Holiday Toy Drive in our North Scarborough office, and each year we have an amazing turn out. All patient donations for the drive go to the CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish program of Toronto and Ontario—a wonderful organization that has been assisting individuals and families in need for 52 years.

Thank You!

We appreciate the generosity of every patient who donated and want to express our personal thanks, as well as thanks on behalf of the people who you have helped with your donations. Have a wonderful holiday, and contact Braceland Orthodontists in the New Year when you're ready for your next appointment!