Life with Braces
Congratulations, you got your braces today! You’ve just taken a major step toward a straighter, and we hope for a brighter smile. You are probably curious about the way your braces work and we hope to answer many of your questions with this information. Please read it carefully.
Components or parts:
- Brackets - secured or “bonded” to each tooth
- Band or rings - “cemented” around teeth
- Wires come in different sizes and strengths
- Elastics- hold the wires in place, come in different colors
- Orthodontic wax- helps ease minor temporary irritations
- Poking wires- push it out of the way with the eraser on the end of a pencil or a spoon handle
- Tylenol for pain if needed
- Brushing- every after meal
- Flossing- at least 1x/day
- Proxy brush- every after meal
- Fluoride rinse- follow the instructions as directed
Recommended: Soft, nutritious foods: pasta, soup, yogurt, eggs or rice
Foods to avoid: Sticky: chewing gum, caramels, jujubes, gummy bears
Hard: nuts, peanut brittle, and ice cubes
Foods to be eaten with care: Apples, carrots, pizza, corn, meat
Diet restriction: Cakes, doughnuts, chocolate, soft drinks, ice cream, jams and syrup due to high sugar content.
- Avoid playing with your braces with your tongue or fingers
- Wear a mouthguard if you participate in any contact sports
- Avoid biting your fingernails or chewing on your pen or pencil
- Check your braces carefully each day
About Appointments
- Arranged every 4-6 weeks
- School excusal cards can be provided
- Arrive on time or even a few minutes early
- Frequently changed or missed appointments or late arrivals prolong your treatment
- Please call our office if you will be late so that we can inform you if we will still be able to see you or if your appointment will need to be rescheduled
If you have a problem with your braces during non-office hours and you require immediate attention, you may wish to contact your family dentist, emergency clinic or your hospital. Please bear in mind that you may be charged for these emergency appointments.